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It’s Your Decision

Pregnancy – It’s Your Decision An unexpected pregnancy can cause a flood of thoughts and emotions. You may find the situation scary and anxiety-provoking. You may also be excited, even if you are confused and unsure what to do next. In this time of high emotions, it is important to take a moment to breathe.


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How to Talk to Your Partner about an Unexpected Pregnancy

One of the first questions that pop into your mind when staring at a pregnancy test is, “how will I tell my partner?” Whether it’s your husband, boyfriend, an ex, or someone else, it can be nerve-wracking to start the conversation. Here are a few tips that can help you get started! Plan Ahead –

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The Coffee Walk: Your Simplest New Health Habit

The Coffee Walk: An easy + enjoyable mental health reset! All these “New Year, New Me” resolutions can feel overwhelming! How about a simple addition to your daily or weekly routine that will get you outside, refreshed, and relaxed? Enter: The Coffee Walk. If you’ve never heard of it, the coffee walk entails setting aside

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Pregnancy Testing: Tips and Tricks

Worried you might be pregnant? Not sure where to start with pregnancy testing? Use this handy guide to help you out. When: If you track your cycle, don’t test until your period is supposed to start (about two weeks after ovulation). Testing too early doesn’t give HCG, the pregnancy hormone, enough time to build up

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4 Essential Health Goals to Set for the New Year

2023 is here! Kick the year off right by taking care of your mental, emotional, and physical health. Here are 4 things you can do: Smile: Smiling is scientifically proven to boost your happiness. According to research “The mere act of smiling reduces blood pressure, lowers stress hormones, and boosts your mood; a British study

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Surprised by a Positive Pregnancy Test? 5 Steps to Take

Whether you’re certain about parenting, scheduling an abortion, or just are not sure, these first steps will help you get it figured out.

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Do You Need a “Missed Period Pill?” – Your Guide to the Abortion Pill and the Morning After Pill

Your period is late. You’re a little worried about being pregnant but aren’t thinking too much about it. But soon enough, you see an advertisement for a “missed period pill.” What is it, and do you need one? Use this handy guide to tell the difference between the morning after pill, the abortion pill, and

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