How to Talk to Your Partner about an Unexpected Pregnancy
One of the first questions that pop into your mind when staring at a pregnancy test is, “how will I tell my partner?” Whether it’s your husband, boyfriend, an ex, or someone else, it can be nerve-wracking to start the conversation. Here are a few tips that can help you get started!
Plan Ahead –
For most people, this can mean just finding a quiet time to sit down with your partner and talk. You can lay out your concerns, fears, hopes, and dreams while talking about where this fits, or doesn’t fit, into your plan. Know what you want to communicate. Listen to what he has to say, but don’t let his worries and fears override your own desires.
For others, this can be more complicated. For example, if you’re a victim of domestic abuse, or suspect that this conversation could lead to an abusive situation, you should contact a local or national abuse hotline for specific advice. The most important thing is that you stay safe.
Expect More –
Something we see often here at the FRPC is partners who say something along the lines of, “oh whatever you want.” While this is often said with good intentions, it can leave women feeling lost and confused. Try asking specific questions and ask your partner to open up more about how they’re feeling. This can lead to more conversation and can help you work it out together.
Find Support –
Whether your partner is supportive or not, you may want to consider talking to a third party to discuss what your options are and what resources are available to you. The Front Royal Pregnancy Center offers these services for free. If you’re comfortable bringing your partner along, he’s welcome! If you’d rather come by yourself, you can do that too. You can talk about your options, get a free pregnancy test and ultrasound exam, and more. We’re here for you.
Hopefully, these tips help with speaking to your partner about an unplanned pregnancy. If you’re still nervous or have a specific set of circumstances you need advice on – don’t hesitate to call! Our trained staff is here to assist you with every step of this journey.
Call or make your appointment today.
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