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You Are Not Alone

Are you struggling after an abortion? The decision to have an abortion often takes place under pressure from a number of people or circumstances. After an abortion, you may initially feel relieved, but many women then begin to experience problems. 

You are not alone in your recovery journey. The Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons found that nearly 75% of women who had an abortion felt pressured into making the decision, and many suffered psychological effects afterward, including depression, guilt, shame, regret, self-hatred, feelings of unworthiness, anxiety, and even thoughts of suicide.

Whatever the role you played in the abortion decision, you may experience symptoms similar to post-traumatic stress disorder, including:

  • Anger
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Difficulty bonding with your partner or children

Confide In Someone

Healing is not possible to do all on your own. Sometimes, bottled-up emotions make the healing process impossible. Do your best to share your journey with someone you trust. When we share our problems, others are able to point us to solutions and help us along the way.

Choose someone who will listen to your story and struggles without judgment. If you don’t know anyone personally, a counselor or a support group can be helpful. Our compassionate team can help.

There’s Healing & Hope 

It is normal to grieve as a serious loss has occurred. However, healing and restoration occur best in the context of a supportive and confidential environment. Contact us at Front Royal Pregnancy Center to make an appointment or for more information.

Support for women is available in a one-on-one conversation. All calls are confidential. There is hope and healing for your unique situation. One step at a time, and you will be thankful when you look back at how far you’ve come.


Abortion Recovery — resources/ Care directory / message boards / confidential support by email
Rachel’s Vineyard — Confidential Retreats
Hope After Abortion — 888-456-HOPE (888-456-4673) Project Rachel

You Deserve Supportive Care

Don't Forget How Capable You Are.