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It’s Your Decision

Pregnancy – It’s Your Decision An unexpected pregnancy can cause a flood of thoughts and emotions. You may find the situation scary and anxiety-provoking. You may also be excited, even if you are confused and unsure what to do next. In this time of high emotions, it is important to take a moment to breathe.


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Poor Correlation – How to Get Accurate Info About Your Pregnancy

By Olivia McDonough Do you need an ultrasound? We’ve spoken a lot about ultrasound in our past few posts.We want you to know they are important, especially for your health and safety. Regardless of the legislation, receiving an ultrasound before going through with an abortion is one of the smartest steps you can take to

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What to Expect: Your Consultation and Ultrasound at the Front Royal Pregnancy Center

By Olivia McDonough Pregnancy can be difficult, especially the first time. Here at the FRPC, we are dedicated to making sure our clients are safe, comfortable, and provided with the best care available. For women who have not received care from us before (and for those of you who have not made a decision yet),

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Why Do I Need an Ultrasound Before an Abortion?

By Olivia McDonough In the state of Virginia, the law requires that a pregnant woman who wants an abortion have an ultrasound first. Some women wonder why this is necessary, and some are even trying to have this requirement removed. However, the ultrasound is absolutely necessary to ensure the health and safety of the woman.

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Do you Know What’s in your Daughter’s Body?

By Olivia McDonough In 21 states, a girl as young as 11 could have contraceptives implanted in her body at school. Her parents’ knowledge or consent is not required.  In one case, the mother of a 16 year old discovered she was sick after a contraceptive was improperly implanted into her daughter’s arm. She was

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Planned Parenthood’s Dangerous Response to a Desperate Question

By Olivia McDonough A young girl, scared and desperate, types “Can my parents make me get an abortion?” into a search engine.  The very first result that appears is Planned Parenthood’s response to that very question on its “Ask the Experts” page. It tells her she does not have to have an abortion if she

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Minors’ Rights

By Olivia McDonough You have the right to have your baby, even if you are a minor. Information about your rights as a minor can be difficult to find. For example, on Planned Parenthood’s “Ask the Experts” web page, they answer the question, “Can my parents make me get an abortion?” The response rightly states

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Don't Forget How Capable You Are.