Minors’ Rights
By Olivia McDonough
You have the right to have your baby, even if you are a minor.
Information about your rights as a minor can be difficult to find. For example, on Planned Parenthood’s “Ask the Experts” web page, they answer the question, “Can my parents make me get an abortion?” The response rightly states that “No one can make you get an abortion if you don’t want one.” However, instead of providing additional information about what to do or where to turn if you feel pressured, the article goes on for several paragraphs listing challenges and asking “readiness” questions which can make the reader feel scared and inadequate.
The truth is, it is illegal for anyone to force you to have an abortion, and parents and guardians can be convicted of abuse, and sometimes additional crimes, for doing so. Because many people don’t know this, the Justice Foundation’s Center Against Forced Abortions has developed tools for young girls in need. In other words, there are resources available for you.
The Front Royal Pregnancy Center is equipped with letters from CAFA that can help you learn and effectively communicate your rights to your parents, school counselors, and even abortion providers. These letters have been proven to empower young women who wish to keep their children. For assistance, you can also go to CAFA’s website, where you can find a phone number and email address available if you wish to call for legal advice.
Still nervous, or don’t know where to begin? Call us at the Front Royal Pregnancy Center, where we can guide you through the steps to making confident, informed decisions about your rights, and can help you communicate these rights to others. Remember, You are not alone.
(540) 635 – 6181
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