How Do Pregnancy Tests Work?
Are you worried about a potential pregnancy? Your first step to clarity is a positive pregnancy test. Pregnancy tests work to detect a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in your body.
Before moving forward with your options, it’s important to know if you are pregnant by confirming with a pregnancy test. Follow up your home pregnancy test results with our medical-grade pregnancy testing to be sure.
When Should I Take A Pregnancy Test?
It takes time for detectable levels of hCG to build up in your body, and taking the test too soon could give you inaccurate results. For the best accuracy, take a pregnancy test after your first missed period, at least one day after. If you have questions about when the right time is for you, contact us for more information.
Though it’s a great way to begin, a positive pregnancy test is not enough to make a pregnancy decision. There’s still more information you need to know.
No-Cost Pregnancy Testing
If you are experiencing any of the common pregnancy symptoms, the next step is to get medical-grade pregnancy testing. We at FRPC offer no-cost pregnancy testing using medical-quality urine tests that can determine pregnancy hormone levels to indicate pregnancy.
Our pregnancy testing is 99.8% accurate. The test may be positive as early as 7-9 days after conception. It is important but not required that you know the start date of your last period when you come in.
Contact us today to begin your pregnancy confirmation journey and get answers! We are with you every step of the way and beyond. We also offer a no-cost, initial pregnancy confirmation ultrasound appointment with our nurse, and education on your pregnancy options. Get the clarity you need one step at a time.